Certified Aerodromes


For the purpose of the Air Operator Safety Operations in the Republic of Albania, available for public use, the Civil Aviation Authority carries out Aerodrome Certification, based on the Order of the Minister No. 130, dated 09/11/2012 (Official Journal No.188 December 2012), “On the Approval of the Regulation on the Certification and Registration of Civil Aerodromes in the Republic of Albania and Obligations and Responsibilities of Aerodrome Operators”

This Regulation applies to Aerodrome / Airports used for:

  • International Air Transport Operations; or
  • National public transport aircraft with a maximum lift weight of over 5700 kg or with 10 or more passengers.

The certification process is carried out based on the Minister’s Order No. 130, dated 09/11/2012 and according to the external procedure for certification and supervision of Aerodromes / Airports.