16 May, 2022
1.Contracting authority
Albanian Civil Aviation Authority
SOLAR Project
Email: info@acaa.gov.al
Albanian Civil Aviation Authority (ACAA) in the framework of the Project “Sustainable reduction of carbon footprint Level in Programme AiRports”/ ACRONYM: SOLAR, co–financed by Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro issues this call of expression of interest in order to create a list of potential consultants and experts that will be invited to provide support to ACAA for the implementation of WP T1 – Analysis of carbon emissions in airports & WP T2 – Pilot cases on low carbon practices. Upon evaluation of the applications received ACAA will draw up a list of candidates or potential contractors who may be invited to reply to specific invitations to tender in the future.
2.Scope of work
The general objective of SOLAR Project is to be able to measure the carbon footprint of the airports in Puglia, Albania and Montenegro and activate policies aimed at considerably reducing it.
WP T1 starts from the measurement of carbon emission in airport in order to understand how much carbon it emits every year and from which activities, and after that it proposes plans and policies to reduce carbon emission.
The “Mapping” step of Airport Carbon Accreditation requires carbon footprint measurement. To achieve this level of accreditation, the ACAA will collect data from TIA and will calculate the annual carbon emissions for the previous year and compile a carbon footprint report.
The Contractor will involve an independent third party to verify the report before submission, to ensure that the carbon footprint calculation is in accordance with ISO14064. This activity will be implemented by using a standardized and transparent methodology, using calculation tools of GHG protocol.
The “Reduction” step of Airport Carbon Accreditation requires carbon management and progress towards a reduced carbon footprint. The External Expertise will support with analysis of possible carbon management measures for better energy efficiency, that can be implemented in WP T2 and might include:
- energy demand reduction and switch to green energy sources;
- clean energy supply – combined heat & power, renewable energy sources (on-site or off-site);
- low energy design – standards for refurbishment and new build, compulsory inclusion of carbon reduction studies in all new projects;
- options for alternative fuel airport vehicles (electric, hybrid, hydrogen, LPG, etc.);
- staff communications and engagement plans.
WP T2 – Pilot cases on low carbon practices. It is the core of SOLAR project as it includes definition and
implementation of actions to raise awareness about sustainable and environmentally friendly policies for carbon footprint reduction in airports. After the evaluation of best practices in EU airports during workshops, SOLAR project provides all partners’ airport community with tools and instruments for carbon reduction in mobility schemes, waste programmes, partnerships.
The “Optimization” step of Airport Carbon Accreditation requires third party engagement in carbon footprint reduction. Third parties include airlines and various service providers, for example, independent ground handlers, catering companies, air traffic control and others working on the airport site. It also involves engagement on surface access modes (road, rail) with authorities and users. To reach this level, an airport should have to: (1) Fulfil all the requirements of “Mapping” and “Reduction” steps; (2) widen the scope of its carbon footprint to include a range of Scope 3 emissions, that include: landing and take-off cycle emissions; surface access to the airport for passengers and staff; staff business travel emissions. In the framework of this, a series of activities are foreseen to be implemented by ACAA with the support of the external expertise such as:
- Awareness and behavioral change campaigns that aim at encouraging specific behaviors such as vehicle switch off /reduced idling time campaigns, car-sharing/pooling campaigns.
- Training campaigns on energy efficiency and carbon management techniques. Training addresses to third parties about energy efficiency and carbon management techniques. It refers to setting minimum performance standards for example for building, operational practices and vehicle fleets.
- Formal airport wide schemes. ACAA will organize a forum to encourage and facilitate take up of specific personal or operational practices or choices of equipment or vehicles of airport community. The scheme includes: a car sharing programme, clean vehicle schemes and waste minimization and recovery programmes.
- Strategic partnerships with key airport operators. ACAA will organize one forum to create strategic partnerships with key airport operators to ensure that they can support airport policy for energy reduction. For example: reducing ground running and taxiing times, differential charging for aircrafts with lower / higher emissions.
The “Neutrality” step of Airport Carbon Accreditation Programme requires neutralizing remaining direct carbon emissions by offsetting. To achieve this level of accreditation, an airport should have to: (1) fulfil all requirements of previous level “Mapping”, “Reduction” and “Optimization”; (2) offset its remaining Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions (GHG Protocol) to show its commitment to achieving carbon neutral operations for all direct emissions and indirect emissions over which the airport has control, using internationally recognised offsets. ACAA with the support of the external expertise will realize one common study on how to achieve level of neutrality of carbon footprint in airports. It is based on experiences of all involved airports, as well as on learned experiences during workshops.
3. Exclusion criteria and Selection criteria
Participation is open to all natural persons who are nationals of and legal persons (participating either individually or in a grouping – consortium – of candidates/tenderers) which are effectively established in a Member State of the European Union or in a eligible country or territory as defined under Article 8 of Regulation (EU) No 236/2014 establishing common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union’s instruments for external action (CIR) for the applicable instrument under which the contract is financed. Participation is also open to international organisations.
Tenderers are required to provide the completed and signed “a14a_Declaration on honour on exclusion and selection criteria for procurement”. This standard declaration form is available for downloading at the following address:
Exclusion criteria
Tenderers will be excluded in case they are in any of the situations of exclusion listed in the declaration.
Selection criteria
The candidate must comply with the criteria listed below.
For WP T1: Proven experience in infrastructure projects, including environment impact assessment and mitigation measures.
For WP T2: Proven experience in training and consulting services in the field of environment. Experience in design of seminars, conferences, awareness campaign, events etc.
4.Supporting evidence
A list of projects/services implemented over the past five years, including dates, values and name/titles of recipients to whom the services have been provided.
5. Application Process
The interested candidates should provide the required documentation no later than May 31, 2022 16.30, by registered post or hand delivered to:
Autoriteti i Aviacionit Civil
Rr. “Sulejman Delvina”, No.1
P.O. Box 205
Tirane, Albania
Candidates may submit questions in writing to the address info@acaa.gov.al up to 5 days before the deadline for submission of application, specifying in the subject: CEI – SOLAR PROJECT.